All Month | LGBT+ History Month 2023 (UK)
Founded in 1994 by Rodeny Wilson, LGBT History Month is a month long observance for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender history alongside covering the importance of both Gay Rights alongside other Civil Rights movements.
LGBT History Month is observed in February by the United Kingdom although not celebrated until October within the United States, Canada and Australia to coincide with National Coming Out Day on the 11th October.
6th – 12th February | Children’s Mental Health Week 2023
The theme of Children’s Mental Health Week this year is ‘Growing Together’. The aim is to encourage children to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others grow. By allowing children to express themselves in a way that is unique to them their mental well-being can be possibly improved.
19th – 25th February | Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) 2023
Generally occurring the first full week following Valentine’s Day; Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is an annual, international event meant to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities and the issues which they face. It is also a time for the community to celebrate their own experiences and existence!
All Month | Bisexual Health Awareness Month 2023
The first celebration for the Bisexual Community of the year; Bisexual Health Awarenss Month is always celebrated in March each year just after the LGBT History Month celebrated in the UK in February.
Also known as #BiHealthMonth; Bisexual Awareness Month is more of a health awareness month for the Bisexual community and was first observed by the Bisexual Resource Center in the US in 2014, by the Bisexual Resource Center in the US.
1st March | Zero Discrimination Day 2023
Landing on the 1st March each year, Zero Discrimination Day highlights how people can become informed about and promote inclusion, compassion, peace and, above all, a movement for change. Zero Discrimination Day is helping to create a global movement of solidarity to end all forms of discrimination.
31st March | International Transgender Day of Visibility 2023
Occurring on the 31st March every year, International Transgender Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating Transgender people whilst also raising vital awareness of discrimination unfortunately faced by Transgender people throughout the world.
International Transgender Day of Visibility was founded back in 2009 by Rachel Crandall as a reaction to the lack LGBT recognition with Transgender people, citing there was only one other well-known Transgender focused day, Transgender Day of Remembrance, which mourns the murders of Transgender people but does not acknowledge nor celebrate living members of the Transgender community.
6th April | Asexuality Day 2023
International Asexuality Day (IAD) will take place annually on the 6th April as a way to raise awareness to the discrimination still unfortunately faced by Asexual people whilst also creating a platform to educate others on a global scale about the Ace spectrum.
14th April | Day of Silence 2023 (US)
Created in the mid 90’s by two college students, the Day of Silence is a national student-led demonstration where LGBTQ+ students and allies across the globe take a unified vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of both harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ+ people within the education system.
26th April | Lesbian Visibility Day 2022
Each year on the 26th April we celebrate Lesbian Visibility Day which is an annual event to celebrate and bring further visibility to lesbians within the LGBTQ+ community.
Lesbian Visibility Day was first observed back in 2008 with the core focus to ensure their is more visibility of the lesbian community and still remains very prominent within current LGBTQ+ key dates of importance.
8th May | Asexual Visibility Day 2023
You may have heard that the 8th May is Asexual Visibility Day, but did you know that this date was changed due to numerous reasons including backlash from several communities? Read more about the History of Asexual Visibility.
17th May | International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia 2023
Observed on the 17th May each year, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia aims to coordinate international events around the world to raise further important awareness of LBGTQ+ rights violations and to stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide.
Since the concept was first conceived in 2004, the commemorations have taken place in 132 countries across the globe.
19th May | Agender Pride Day 2023
Falling on the 19th May, Agender Pride day is a global celebration of Agenderism. Agender is also called genderblank , genderfree, genderless, gendervoid, non-gendered, ungendered, or null gender. The Agender identity falls under the Non Binary umbrella and (sometimes) the transgender umbrella.
22nd May | Harvey Milk Day 2023
Celebrated each year on the 22nd May, Harvey Milk Day is organised by the Harvey Milk Foundation in memory of the gay rights activist Harvey Milk who was assassinated in 1978.
During the twentieth century, Harvey Milk was a prominent gay activist and ran for office three times before becoming the first openly gay person to be elected into California public office.
Harvey Milk day was created as a day to both remember Harvey Milk and to teach others about the his work and life to help stop discrimination against LGBT people.
24th May | Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day 2023 / Pansexual Awarenss Day 2023
First observed back in 2015, Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day, also known as Pansexual Awareness Day was created to ensure the visibility of the Pansexual community.
Like other LGBTQ+ awareness and visibility days, the day brings an opportunity to highlight both stories and experiences of Pansexual people within society and to look further into way which we can work to improve inclusivity for all.
All Month | LGBT+ Pride Month 2023
One of the most celebrated times within the LGBTQ+ Pride calendar, Pride month is a time for the entire LGBTQ+ community to come together globally and celebrate Pride in a full spectrum of activities, pride events, campaigns and much more!
Pride month falls in June every year as it is also the month which saw the Stonewall riots (see below). It’s all about coming together in love and friendship and showing how far gay rights have come even if there is still a lot of work to be done.
Although unfortunately Pride will be different again this year due to Coronavirus, there’s still hundreds, if not thousands of digital Pride events taking place throughout the month and so many ways to still get involved!
12th June | Pulse Remembrance Day / Pulse Night of Remembrance 2023
Each year on the 12th of June we remember the 49 lives lost and 50 injured in the public shooting inside the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The deadly shooting against the LGBTQ+ community sparked national outage and conversations about gun laws throughout the United States and the remembrance day is now observed internationally.
28th June | Stonewall Riots Anniversary 2023
One of the most notable dates in LGBTQ+ history, the Stonewall Riots also known as the Stonewall Uprising and the Stonewall Rebellion, was a series of spontaneous demonstrations by members of the LGBT community in response to a police raid that began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn. Patrons of Stonewall alongside other village lesbian and gay bars fought back when police became violent.
The Stonewall Riots are widely considered to constitute one of the most important events leading to the gay liberation movement and the twentieth century fight for LGBT rights.
6th July | Omnisexual Visibility Day 2023
Observed on the 6th July 2022, Omnisexual Visibility Day is observed annually to both celebrate and bring further visibility to those who identify as omnisexual and omnisexuality. The core focus remains the same and is now a key date within the LGBTQ+ calendar internationally.
10th – 16th July | Non-Binary Awareness Week 2023
Each year starting on the Sunday or Monday of July before International Non-Binary People’s Day (see below) is an awareness period created and dedicated to those who do not fit within the traditional gender binary.
14th July | International Non-Binary People’s Day 2023
Observed on the 14th July each year, the International Non-Binary People’s Day is aimed towards raising awareness around the issues faced by non-binary people around the world.
First observed back in 2012, the date was precisely chosen to fall between International Men’s Day and International Women’s Day.
16th July | International Drag Day 2023
The annual event which lands on the 16th July each year, International Drag Day aims to celebrate and recognise the Drag art internationally.
Founded back in 2009 by Adam Stewart with the main objective to provide Drag artists with a safe space to expose their creativity and culture in a proper way.
13th August | Gay Uncle Day 2023
Also known as Gungcle’s Day, Gay Uncle Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in August each year. This celebration day is most noted online with gay uncles, aunts and other LGBT relatives posting pictures of themselves with their nieces or nephews who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.
25th August | Wear it Purple Day 2023 (AUS)
Observed each year on the 26th August, Wear it Purple Day “strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.”
Founded in 2010 in response to global stories of real teenagers, real heartache and their very real responses. Wear it Purple Day focuses on four key focus areas; Awareness, Opportunity, Environment and Collaboration.
10th September | World Suicide Prevention Day 2023
Observed on the 10th September each year, World Suicide Prevention day is a time for organisations and communities around the world to come together and raise important awareness on ways which we can all create a word where fewer people unfortunately lose their lives to suicide.
Although not directly a LGBTQ+ awareness day, there is an unfortunate large number of LGBTQ+ youth and even adults who feel there is no other option and struggle to find a fit within ‘normal society’.
It’s a time to ensure that anybody who is struggling with mental health or other issues that they are not alone and there is help available. If you or somebody you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts please reach out to us, we work with registered corporate charities and organisations who can help!
16th – 23rd September | Bisexual Awareness Week 2023 / #BiWeek 2023
Held each year from 16th September through to the 23rd September, Bisexual Awareness Week, also known as #BiWeek online is an annual even which celebrates and promotes cultural acceptance of the Bisexual community whilst aiming to create a platform for advocating Bisexual rights.
Co-founded by GLAAD, Bisexual+ Awareness Week seeks to accelerate acceptance of the bi+ (bisexual, pansexual, fluid, no label, queer, etc.) community. #BiWeek draws attention to the experiences, while also celebrating the resiliency of, the bisexual+ community.
23rd September | Bisexual Visibility Day / Celebrate Bisexuality Day 2023
Following on from #BiWeek, Bisexual Visibility Day also known as Celebrate Bisexuality Day is marked each year on the 23rd of September. The day raises further awareness whilst highlighting the challenges faced by Bisexual and Biromantic people.
All Month | LGBT History Month 2023 (USA & Canada)
Replicating the LGBT History Month that is observed in February in the UK, the month is observed in October each year within the USA and Canada alongside other countries internationally.
8th October | International Lesbian Day 2023
Held annually in October, International Lesbian Day is a time to both celebrate and bring further visibility to lesbians within the LGBT+ community. The day has been observed since the 1990’s and is similar to the Lesbian Visibility Day observed in April.
10th October | World Mental Health Day 2023
Observed on the 10th October each year, World Mental Health Day was created to help raise mental health awareness and each of us can make a contribution to ensure that people living with mental illness can live better lives with dignity.
With a large number of LBGTQ+ people suffering with their mental health, it’s a day we feel is important to observe and highlight to bring further awareness to how LGBTQ+ people are affected with mental health and help find ways which this can be addressed.
11th October | National Coming Out Day 2023
First celebrated in the United States back in 1988, National Coming Out Day is observed each year on the 11th October. The annual event was created to help support LGBTQ+ people to ‘come out of the closet’.
The idea behind National Coming Out Day is that Homophobia thrives an atmosphere of silence and ignorance, and that once people know that they have loved ones who are lesbian or gay, they are far less likely to maintain homophobic or oppressive views.
17th October | Spirit Day 2023
Spirit Day is an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day that is observed on the third Thursday in October. Spirit Day began back in 2010 with high school student Brittany McMillan in response to the alarming number of young LGBTQ lives lost to suicide, most notably with the loss of Tyler Clementi.
Spirit Day is an international movement of solidarity. Every year since 2010, millions go purple to stand up against bullying and to accelerate acceptance for LGBTQ kids, teens, and young adults.
18th October | International Pronouns Day 2023
Taking place on the third Wednesday of October each year, International Pronouns Day is a day which seeks to make respecting, sharing and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.
For many Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender-Nonconforming people, being referred to by the wrong pronouns can have a significant and sometimes devastating effect, as their identity is ignored, devalued and even erased.
26th October | Intersex Awareness Day 2023
Each year on the 26th October, Intersex Awareness Day is observed to highlight human rights issues faced by Intersex people. Although it is believed that around 1 in 2,000 people are born Intersex globally, identifying as Intersex is something that is rarely spoken about.
Even when and if they realise, Intersex people far to often experience prejudice and discrimination due to their bodies not conforming to other people’s exceptions about sex and gender. Intersex Awareness Day aims to highlight these problems faced by Intersex people to help create a more understanding.
23rd – 29th October | Asexual Awareness Week 2023
Also known as Ace Week, Asexual Awareness Week was founded back in 2010 to create an annual event that puts the spotlight on Asexuality.
The international campaign dedicated to raising awareness and expanding education of asexuality. The week gives all Asexual people an opportunity to celebrate how far our community has come.
5th November | Trans / Transgender Parent Day 2023
First established back in 2009, Transgender Parent Day is a day to celebrate and honour transgender parents much like others celebrate traditional Mother’s or Father’s Day.
8th November | Intersex Day of Remembrance 2023 / Intersex Solidarity Day 2023
Following on from Intersex Awareness Day in October, Intersex Day of Remembrance, also known as Intersex Solidarity Day is an internationally observed awareness day to highlight the issues which are faced by Intersex people.
The day marks the birthday of Herculine Barbin a French Intersex person whose memoirs were later published.
13th – 19th November | Trans / Transgender Awareness Week 2023
Every year between 13th – 19th November, generally one week before the Transgender Day of Remembrance on 20th November; Both individuals and organisations around the world come together to participate in Transgender Awareness Week, in a bid to help raise visibility about Transgender people and highlight the varying issues that members of the Transgender community face on a daily basis.
20th November | Transgender Day of Remembrance 2023
Founded by Transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a Transgender woman who was tragically killed in 1998; Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is a vigil commemorated for all Transgender people who lost to violence that year and started a very important memorial within the LGBTQ+ calendar which has now become the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.
1st December | World AIDS Day 2023
Each year on the 1st of December, the world commemorates World AIDS Day. It’s a time for the world to unite and show their support for those living with and affected by HIV, whilst also remembering those who have unfortunately lost their life to AIDS.
8th December | Pansexual Pride Day 2023
Every year on the 8th December we celebrate Pansexual Pride Day. It is a time for both individuals and organisations around the world to come together and celebrate Pansexuality and raise further awareness to Pansexual people and their community.
Like other Pride days within the LGBTQ+ calendar, Pansexual Pride Day is an opportunity to bring awareness to the stories and experiences of Pansexual people within society and to look further into how we can work together to improved inclusivity for Pansexual people.
10th December | Human Rights Day 2023
Human Rights Day is observed on the 10th December each year. It falls on the same day that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights back in 1948.
This declaration was a huge milestone in proclaiming the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sex, language, identity, or any other opinion or feeling.
Which days are you celebrating or mean the most to you? Let us know in the comments below! 👇👇👇