If you didn’t know already, March each year we observe Bisexual Health Awareness Month (BHAM). Unfortunately Bisexuality still suffers with visibility within the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) acronym, even though Bisexual people actually make up the largest art of the LGBTQ+ population.
What is Bisexual Health Awareness Month?
Bisexual Health Awareness Month (BHAM) is the first of three main events which celebrate and observe the Bisexual community each year. Following this month, there is also celebration and observation of Bisexuality Day and Bisexual Awareness week.
Originating back in 2014, Bisexual Health Awareness Month is observed every March just after the UK’s LGBT+ History Month and is aimed towards bringing further required attention to the health and well-being of the Bisexual community.
Although there are other days which highlight the Bisexual community, BHAM is more of a time to raise further awareness to the health of the Bi community which is helped through the yearly social media campaign known as #BiHealthMonth.
What is Bisexuality?
Bisexuality is a romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females, or to one more than one sex or gender. This form of attraction can also be toward any sex or gender identity which is also known as Pansexuality (see below).
Bisexual vs. Pansexual
As you may have observed already, sexuality definitions are very personal to us and the differences between Bisexuality and Pansexuality really does depend on who you ask.
One common definition of Pansexuality is the attraction of another person regardless of their gender identity, meaning that a persons gender is not an important factor when looking at sexual or romantic attraction another person. Although never officially highlighted, this is not always necessarily the same in all cases of Bisexual people.
Whilst there are multiple definitions for Bisexual and Pansexual (attraction to two or more genders vs. all gender respectively). It essentially all comes down to personal understandings and preferences and the terms in which somebody feels most accurate to describe themselves.
Common Misconceptions
Unfortunately there are still many misconceptions regarding Bisexuality which is something that Bisexual Health Awareness Month sets out to highlight in ensuring that the term is greater understood.
Bisexuality is not a 50/50 split
One of the greatest misconceptions is that being Bisexual means you are evenly attracted to both common genders, this is far from accurate in most cases with Bisexuals being, well, 100% Bisexual!
Many Bisexuals notice their sexual attractions fluctuate over time meaning it never remains the same, whereas some will always have the same sexual feelings for other genders.
Bisexuality doesn’t mean you’re attracted to everyone
There is a huge misconception that Bisexual people are attracted to literally everyone. This is a pretty crazy assumption, you wouldn’t think a heterosexual person is attracted to every single person of their opposite gender so it is rather confusing and mind blowing that people still have this assumption for Bisexual people.
What are the colours of the bisexual pride flag?
The Bisexual Pride flag originating in 1998 by Michael Page is comprised of three coloured horizontal stripes, from to to bottom; Pink, Purple, Blue.

You can purchase the Bisexual Pride flag from Joshua Lloyd alongside other Bisexual accessories and clothing!
Browse Bisexual Products
How to Get Involved
Like other LGBTQ+ key dates, there are so many ways you can get involved with Bisexual Health Awareness Month! Although there is a dedicated month, it’s always the right time to help share awareness and acceptance for the Bisexual community!
Spread the Word
Sharing your voice or amplifying others within the Bisexual community is a great way to further raise awareness for Bisexual people and the struggles they still face within our current climate, whilst also sharing the progress we’ve all made together.
Bisexual Health Awareness Month utilises the hashtag #BiHealthMonth so make sure to use this when posting anything in aid of BHAM. Joshua Lloyd will also be sharing important content. As always please feel free to share any of our content to help raise important awareness using #lloydlabel
Wear it With Pride!
Besides Pride events, Bisexual Health Awareness Month is a great time to showcase your Bisexual Clothing & Accessories for others to see and to help share the message of inclusivity and Bisexual awareness.
If you haven’t already managed to get any awesome Bisexual products from Joshua Lloyd don’t worry! For the entire month of March 2021, shop and save 20% on all Bisexual items at Joshua Lloyd!